DevKishin Holdings: Conditions of Sale
     Devkishin Sales Condition  

Multiple shipments require instructions of deliveries from the customer at the time of placing the purchase order.

"Defective Goods" - DevKishin expressly denies any liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages arising from defective goods, accept for repair or replacement of defective goods, in accordance with claims procedures. The company will replace without charge any goods which prove defective (materials) within thirty days of delivery. Merchandise cannot be returned without prior written authorization from DevKishin.

All order quantities will be shipped within standard quantity tolerances of +/- 10%.

The Company must receive written notification of claims for damages or shortages within 30 days of receipt of goods. Failure to notify Company within said period shall be deemed a waiver of said claims.

Customer is liable for the full value of this order. Any cancellations of items sold under this order will result in a 25% restocking charge. Any reschedules or amendments may result in a price adjustment. Prices are subject to change, unless expressly noted otherwise on the face of the Sales Order.

The Company suggests buyers make their own tests to determine product suitability for particular performance conditions. The Company does not accept any claims for damage caused by application of products.

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